🌮Crunchy’s DEX Aggregate🌮

Crunchy Network
2 min readJun 20, 2022


Current as of 20 June 2022
This is
NOT financial advice!

😡Don’t Get Aggravated, Get Aggregated!😀

Tired of going through every Tezos DEX to find the best swap for your DeFi assets? Well our DEX Aggregate takes the pain out of trading. By analyzing price and pool data across multiple DEXs, our aggregator generates a trade route that gives you the most optimal swaps. It’s time to let us do the hard work for you. The best part? The service will be free to use upon release!

🎓📈Education On Optimization📈🎓

The aggregator has a lot going on behind the scenes, so how does it work? In short, the aggregator analyzes several API endpoints across Tezos-based DEXs for price and pool data. This enables the aggregate to calculate price and liquidity data for each token on each DEX in the DeFi ecosystem. Depending on the token and amount in the swap, the aggregate will use this data to generate the optimal swap route, ensuring you are getting the most from your trade.

We are taking things a step further with our aggregator. Our application goes farther than generating a single pool swap by utilizing something called “split pool weighted trading”. These additional calculations allows a trade to utilize multiple pools for the same token across multiple DEXs, further optimizing the trade. You will find this feature comparable to that of the 1inch DEX on Ethereum. We will continue to optimize routing and calculations in this feature to increase the positive impact it has on trades.

😢(Left) Swap Without Split Pool Weighted Trade — (Right) Swap With Split Pool Weighted Trade😎

💡Building An Aggressive Aggregator💡

We are excited with the current performance of our aggregate, and we can’t wait to continue enhancing its capabilities. With that said, we still have work to do. We are currently working to effectively add Plenty and Youves’s stable pool data to the swap mechanism. We also are testing additional route optimization techniques with our split pool trading mechanic to finds ways to further increase the optimization of trades. Creating the best applications means continuous innovation!

The Crunchy Aggregator is in its final stages of testing and development. We are projecting the MVP to be publicly available by the end of June 2022. Keep an eye out for a public announcement for its release. We can’t wait to offer you another great DeFi application and we hope to be the one-stop shop for all your DeFi needs!

Website: https://app.crunchy.network/#/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CrunchyTez
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/99UnxxgB46
Telegram: https://t.co/dPOcHGpq1Q



Crunchy Network
Crunchy Network

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